Browse the list of already-answered questions below. Click any question to see the answer.
Commercial Photography
Do you help select the images and determine appropriate sizes for a location?
Yes, I can help with your selection and provide guidance for the images based upon available space in which they will be displayed. I can also advise on material (canvas, metal, acrylic, framed print) and include options for Black & White vs Color depending on location style and mood. I’ve worked with previously retained designers/architects on projects as well.
Can you create images not currently available on your site?
Yes, I do Commissioned Work, provided the subject matter desired is within the North Texas region. Pricing will incorporate additional expenses required. If you’ve seen an image of mine posted you cannot locate on my site, please contact me to see if it can be uploaded and printed at an appropriate quality for your project.
If I want a large print (larger than 24”x30”) from your portfolio, should I order it from your site or contact you?
For larger images I prefer the client work directly through me so I can ensure the image is properly formatted to result in the highest quality print possible. In most cases, canvas prints will be fine ordered through the site up to 36” x 48”; however, for large prints, metal prints & acrylic prints it would be best for us to discuss prior to placing your order.
Do you install the prints for us?
No. If warranted based on size or number of images however, I can recommend installers. In most cases I can provide clear enough instructions and mounting systems they can be easily installed by someone with the company.
Will you do headshots in our offices?
Yes, for any group larger than 5 individuals. As the number of individuals goes up the price per person is reduced.
People Photography
Do you do Senior Portraits?
Yes, I do take Senior Portrait sessions on occasion. I have limited availability due to other projects. If you are interested in portraits that are more creative and focused on portraying the beautiful young adult your child has become rather than the clothes, they may wear that day then I would consider scheduling a session for your Senior. Please contact me directly.
Do you do weddings?
Weddings are something you should absolutely consider hiring a full time professional in that field for. I have done weddings & bridal portraits on rare occasions with good results but currently my time is extremely limited. If you are planning a small simple wedding, you can contact me for a package quote. My minimum is $2,500.
Can we order prints of our portrait session through you?
Yes, and you will find my print pricing very reasonable.
Music Photography
Are your concert images for sale?
Depending on the image it may be possible. Certain shows/bands/acts restrict my ability to generate business revenue from the sale of the image or rights of the image.
Can you photograph our band for an album, website or publication?
I love photographing musicians/bands due to their inherent creative desire for unique images. Feel free to reach out and let’s put together a session to get you what you need at a reasonable price.
I can’t find the image I want on your site. I have seen it posted but cannot find it.
If you have looked at the various collections based on what you are trying to find, for example a flower in the Flora collection and it isn’t there, please send me a screenshot of the image and I will search for it to see if it’s uploaded. If not, I will make sure it’s uploaded and let you know, or explain why it can’t be placed on my current site.
How do I order a collage of images?
Please contact me directly to help you design your collage and consider the images that make it up. I can provide templates with sizes and layouts which you can then use to order images you choose individually or perhaps by working with me directly we can lower your cost, particularly if you are here in the Dallas area.
How do I order a triptych on your site?
Please contact me directly to discuss the image you desire and the format. I can present options for you to consider and work with you on getting the correct sizes and content for your triptych.
Can I order a book of your images?
Yes, I am working on a direct link for that option, but it isn’t yet available. Currently I can work directly with you to design the book, get you pricing and order it for you.
I received my print but it’s damaged. What do I do?
I’ve worked with Fine Art America for several years and have found them to be extraordinarily responsive to receipt of damaged art. Please contact them directly with photos of the damage. In my experience, in the rare chance this has happened they have responded immediately with a reprint with expedited shipping.
Other Questions
I have a question you haven’t covered; how can I get in touch?
Simply visit my Contact page and let me know how I can help.